A group-directed itinerary of explorations into the expansive world of natural dyes. This term will continue our focus on obtaining specific color gradations from inspirational images and include some side projects like anthotypes!
This course is a self-directed and continuous study group; while we build upon previous experience, adventurous beginners are always welcome!
Sunday, Jun 2, Jul 7, Aug 4, Sept 1, 2024
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Materials List:
Note-taking materials
Sharp fabric scissors
Gallon-size plastic bags for wet fabrics
Ultrafine Sharpie permanent markers
Rubber gloves
Apron or other work clothing
Natural fiber fabric and/or paper*
*Students may bring additional fabric or paper to experiment with (1/4 – 1⁄2 yard pieces). A variety of wool, silk, cotton and linen will provide interesting results. Paper with high cotton content and a minimum of sizing is recommended. (We’ll talk about these during the first class.)
All materials are included in workshop fee.
Students should wear appropriate clothing and shoes, items that you won’t mind potentially being stained. Bring a pair of rubber gloves and an apron if you like.
Students are encouraged to bring a sack lunch. Coffee, tea, water and light snacks will be served.
Limit 15 students.